Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Cape de joie

Vous savez ces jolis papiers de bonbons colorés et translucents? Ca fait longtemps que je les garde pour quelque projet artistique non défini, et hier ils ont enfin vu leur jour de gloire.

You know all those pretty translucent sweet wrappers? I had been keeping them for a while for some undefined artistic project. They finally saw their glorious day.

Au début, l'idée était de faire un effet vitrail en accrochant une mosaique de papiers bonbons a la fenetre. Puis, l'idée a muté en couverture pour fée, avant de se changer en robe de princesse. Finalement, ce bel assemblage aura fini en Cape de Joie.

At first, the idea was to get a stained glass effect by attaching the mosaic to the window. Then, the idea turned into a blanket for a fairy, and then a princess dress. In the end, this beautiful piecing ended up as a Cloak of Joy.

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Christmas for charity

This afternoon, I ask Alex: "Do you know why we have Christmas?"

His reply: "I don't know... Is it for charity?"